Sunday, April 18, 2010

iPad taken apart then re-assembled in under four minutes, Harryhausen-style (video)

We hope you're not sick of seeing the iPad's inner bits, what with the iFixit disassembly, gratuitous Blendtec promo, and even the FCC having some fun. Now TechRestore is getting in on it -- a bit tardily -- by giving the iPad the same stop-motion tear-down treatment that it lovingly applied for a Modbook last year. Not only does the company rip this magical
tablet down to its constituent parts but it puts it all back
together again and, while there is neither a kraken released nor
Medusa slain, the video does feature some rather fanciful
sound effects for you to enjoy, and it's all after the break.
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Android and Arduino-packin' Cellbot features voice recognition, autonomy, and charm to spare

The Cellbots gang has been furiously productive as of late. Not even a month after their wooden "boxbot" was first spotted on You Tube the project has moved on from its humble beginnings of lumber and windshield wiper motors to a full-on a neon green acrylic Truckbot that uses a G1 and Arduino board combination for control.
Sure, we've seen Android-powered robots before, but these guys have done some pretty cool things, and have no intention of stopping now. They've already implemented an ultrasonic range detector so the 'bot can override the operator and prevent itself from running off a cliff (although we'd like to suggest mounting one on the rear as well -- for obvious reasons), voice recognition, and the Android compass into the control system. If anything, the amount of progress makes this project very well worth keeping an eye on. Move past the break to see some video, and then hit the source link to keep up with the action yourself.
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