Sunday, January 4, 2009

Japanese DIYer shows ASUS how not to make an Eee Tablet PC

ASUS hinted at some alternative Eee form factors in the Spring of last year, but it's a Japanese modder that's showing the company exactly how it shouldn't approach an Eee-branded tablet PC. It's a touch tough to understand exactly what's going on, but here's what is (partially) clear: the hack job took around ten hours to complete, and the outer edges are inexplicably covered in aluminum foil. It's encased in some sort of transparent housing -- which we suppose is pretty nifty for showing off the internals -- and the retrofitted touchpanel provides the tasty tablet functionality. Apparently this guy spent around ?11,000 ($128) over and above the cost of the Eee pc in order to construct the final result pictured above -- the question is: was it really worth it?

Thanks: Fashion Funky

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